• * Your Name/Project
  • * Your Email (Replies may be sent to your spam folder) / Telegram / Other Contact Methods
  • * Were you the victim of

  • * Where was your crypto stored

  • * Amount Lost (Please specify the type of token/coins)
  • * Description, an address AND transaction hashes MUST be provided. We WILL ignore your request if you do not provide an address/ transaction hash and any other information related to this incident.
  • Additional Information

Note: If we do decide to proceed with the case, you will be contacted via telegram and be asked to verify you are indeed the owner of the hacked/drained address. This can be done by providing a screenshot of the address in question from your wallet. (This is not the transaction records on Etherscan or other blockchain explorers. )

To learn more about the investigation process, please read our article here:

Navigating the Aftermath: A Guide on What to do After Your Funds Has Been Stolen

Submitted Successfully

Complaint Number:

Usually 3-5 working days, we will reply you.